Waterline Excavation and Repair Services Atlanta
Limited Offer: 15% OFF For First Time Service
(470) 705-6478
Waterline Excavation and Repair Services Atlanta
Limited Offer: 15% OFF For First Time Service
(470) 705-6478

Waterline Excavation and Repair Services


10+ Years Of Experience


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Waterline Excavation and Repair Specialists in Atlanta

An essential component of your infrastructure is the water line to your building. But what happens if it breaks down?

You probably aren’t even aware that your exterior water service line exists unless something goes wrong. Water from the public main enters your property through an outside water service pipe. There are three main parts to the route water takes to reach your faucet:

The water supply main, which is owned and managed by a local government body and connects to the wider community water supply
The public water service line, a section of the service line owned by the local government, is located beneath public land and is therefore maintained by the public.

Waterline Excavation and Repair Atlanta, GA
Waterline Excavation and Repair Services Atlanta, GA

The private water service line, which enters your residence through an underground conduit carrying fresh water from the main line, is looked after by you as the property owner beginning at your property line.

Let’s examine the issues that necessitate replacing the water supply line. We pay special attention to the excavation procedure and the costs that might transform a straightforward open-cut trench into a pricey task requiring large machines.The pipe may need to be replaced for a number of reasons. After a renovation, installing new, thirsty equipment, or an unexpected disaster in your front yard, you could require more water.

These are the top three explanations:

Low pressure: A clogged pipe, a small diameter main water line, and a meter can all lead to issues throughout the house. Most pressure problems can be resolved by replacing the meter and line.
The main pipe is probably leaking if you suddenly experience a decrease in pressure but your water meter (and bill) show a continuous flow of water or increased water use. Flooding can potentially happen depending on the size of the leak.

A water line excavation follows the same procedure as a sewer line excavation. The most typical evacuation method for lateral sewer connections is an open-cut trench.

This style of excavation removes soil directly over each pipe (or planned location for a new pipe), exposing it for examination, replacement, or repair. Depending on the excavation site, this may only require backfilling and sod coverage. To prevent settling, you might need to cut concrete in more challenging projects, then replace it with compacted stone or sand

Even though a straightforward open-cut trench is quite cheap, there are a few things that could make the excavation more difficult. This results in the need for more equipment and man hours, which raises prices as well. On the other side, you might find that there are fewer out-of-pocket costs if the problem is located on city property.

You should look for a professional excavation contractor who is nearby, licensed on the necessary equipment, and capable of meeting your needs whether you’re looking to build with a new construction or renovation project, hope to break ground on a new space, or need expert excavation services performed to resolve plumbing, septic, or sewer problems.

Schedule a FREE Onsite Consultation

With technicians available in your area, an Atlanta, GA, plumber from Davids can be with you in no time. The personalized service offered by the punctual staff of our Atlanta, GA, location will help you to get any project or repair off to a great start. Call us today to learn more about our plumbing services or to request a professional technician right away.

We can also offer you stone and tile installation, garbage disposal installation, water heater installation and sump pump installation.

How to book?

Four Easy Steps

Contact Us

We will schedule your on-site quote when it is convenient for you and least disruptive to your schedule!

Onsite Visit

We present you the quote, after our specialist visit your place


We can start a service within 24 to 48 hours after presenting the quote!


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